Sunday, August 02, 2009


Let's hope I wont be shot by a beam rifle by some sensei we all know for writing this post!XD

I'm not a Gundam fan actually, but what I saw today made me "re-consider"!
As an activity to the new made SOS-dan (short for Sごい日本の文化 wO Siるための団), today I went with two lab mates to Odaiba and met a real-life size Gundam!
The incredible detail level on this 1:1 model left me speechless!!!
It was built on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Gundam anime.
Pictures would have been much more nice if the weather was sunny...

SOS団 members

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I wish I can ride on top of it

Makes me think if Japan really wants to build a real operational Gundam, nothing will stop it!
Here is the official website :

We also went to a game center and I played 太鼓の達人to my heart's content!
I proudly won easily over the DAN members but was disastrously defeated by this little cute genius we met there !

Playing the ONI mode with an "uh, a piece of cake" face!

It was such a great day!!


Saemon 左衛門 said...

oh, I thought there was only the top section of a 1:1 gundam in some museum.. I didn't know about this. This is awesome.

also taiko no tatsujin <3
I played it a couple of times in Japan. Arcade version >>>> home versions.

Lately I'm playing a lot of DDR.

Good post, K-chan.

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

It's truly the end of the world!
Such a SRC (super relevant comment).

I like DDR too <3
Wanted to get taiko no tatsujin for PS2 but the tatakon is damn expensive! It will be cheaper to get the Wii+ the game+ the wii controller!