Friday, October 31, 2008

Of reuse and space utilization

Today I made a small extension to my kitchen! .. or what's called a "kitchen area" according to the lodge terminology lol
Now I will call this the hot drinks area.
I am very happy with it that I took a memorial picture :D

This following picture is for my dish washing liquid. I bought this during my first week here..which means half a year ago~

The used amount is much less than the half!

This would happen under 2 possibilities ->
A) I rarely wash my dishes
B) I don't have much dishes to start with.

The answer is a mix of the two above reasons :p
What I do is "Dish Washing on-Demand"..which means I wash a dish when I need it.

The last picture is for something that I saw today in the place that my neighbor Ocha san once referred to as a "Visual Crime".
I really wanted to laugh when I saw it. See and judge~!

That's all for today~


Durazi said...

hai ismaha 3ayaram, 2al on-DEMAND 2al lol

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

On-demand whether you like it or not :p

Qutaibah said...

last photo is so funny :P

Biraru said...

عقبال ما تصيري تجلي كل يوم متلي
وإن شاء الله رح يصير الجلي إجباري في طوكيو وممنوع حدا يتخرج من الجامعة لحتى يكون جلى 1000 صحن
قولي آمين