Saturday, April 05, 2008

うるさいな~ カラスさん!:: You are so annoying~ Mr. crow!

Hey again! This time's story hero is KARASU san, or Mr. crow!
Tokyo has a lot of crows. I once watched a program on TV about how they are considered troublesome because they keep missing up with and getting out food remains from the garbage.

They are as big as a cat, and I heard from the same program that there were incidents of crows that attacked babies.

Every day every day they start performing their "Concert" from the very early morning before any other bird starts singing.
But somehow, I feel thankful for KARASU san.. you know why?
Because I wake up everyday at 5 am before my alarm clock starts ringing ^_^

jaa mata ne!


Saemon 左衛門 said...

Now we know their secret behind going to work on time...

one thing that is [not] interesting [at all], is that カラス is the katakana-ization of خلص.

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

LOL! :D sou da! "urusai na~,karasu!" = "u r annoying, 5alas!" :D

Anonymous said...

anyway, nice photos!



momiji said...

Karasu desu ne!
actually we have a lot of them in the university!
And not only in the morning, they always performs their "concert"! how annoying!

Biraru said...

"ka~~ra~~su~~~ , naze naku no~~"
this is the first thing got to my mind when I heard "karasu" ^^

But even if they will wake me up everyday .. I think they will still annoying ^^;

If there a lot of crows ; I suggest to eat "yaki-karasu" for example :P

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

ohisashiburi! ^^
Well I didn't take these pictures, I took them from the internet. I am not that professional ^^;
Inshalla, Aimashou!

Momiji san,
Yea I remember seeing some of them! But I don't think they were as big as the ones here.^^;

Bira-ru san,
hehehe karasu yaki..well I don't hate KARASU to that extent! :D

hiro said...

ah,, yes, crows, there are so many in Japan, especially in big cities. The administration has beey trying to solve the problems about them, but as you know, crows are very smart. So it's a little difficult and vicious circle. hehe