Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Eid! - season 2 =p

Wish everyone happy and joyful times!
Adha Mubarak!

About Eid Al Adha :

It is one of two Eid occasions that Muslims celebrate. Like Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha begins with a short prayer followed by a sermon (khutba). It is also called the bigger Eid because it lasts a day longer than Eid al-Fitr

The Eid's first day is the day after the pilgrims in Hajj descend from Mount Arafat.
(Hajj is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide).

Muslims usually sacrifice a domestic animal (usually sheep), if they can afford it.
A butcher will divide the meat into portions.
According to the Quran a large portion of the meat has to be given towards the poor and hungry people.
The remainder is cooked for the family celebration meal in which relatives and friends are invited to share.

And as it is the case with Al-Fitr Eid, people are encouraged to visit relatives and friends in Al Adha Eid too.

More from Wikipedia


Issa said...

Happy Eid!
Kull 3am w2ante b5air :)

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

issa san,
Thank you. May you spend wonderful Eid times! :)

Anonymous said...

happy eid ,
mn kol 2lbi ,
t3eesh el-sadaka,
4 all

Anonymous said...

happy meat Eid :P

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

ammar san,
happy Eid to you too!

Happy meat Eid to you too! the other one should be ma3mool Eid according to you! :D