Saturday, November 17, 2007

暖かい か?温かい か?:: Is it warm or warm?

It is the "warm" challenge ,,can you say the following words in just one breathe? :p

atatakai        (あたたかい)     warm
atatakakunai    (あたたかくない)    not warm
atatakakatta    (あたたかかった)   was warm
atatakakunakatta (あたたかくなかった) was not warm

Today's kanji treat :

Both words above are read as "ATATAKAI" and both mean "Warm"(Notice the ATATA part is written in Kanji and the rest in hiragana)

Is there a difference between warm and warm?
Actually yes :)
The first word (温かい) means "warm" as in warm "things", for example a warm soup, warm water, warm person/feelings etc..

The second one (暖かい)is usually used with "atmosphere" like in warm day, warm clothes, warm place..

If you have more additions to the difference between the two, feel free to share ^^

Unfortunately, 今日は 暖かくないです。(Kyou ha(wa) 暖かくない desu = today is not warm)

jaa mata ne!


Saemon 左衛門 said...

that's why it's spelled attakai sometimes..

kitakotaru? ;)

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

lol yea mochiron..but that doesn't solve the K's problem :p

hiro said...

Actually, I gave a lesson about adjectives last week. He said, "Atatakakatta, atatakaku nakatta.... Funny sounds!! and they are very difficult to pronounce, I almost bite my tongue!! " :p

Anonymous said...

really funny , I'm trying to say them and loughing , thank god there's no one hearing me now .


Anonymous said...

that is a really a good thing ,but the problem is whyyyyyyyy ?

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

hiro san,
早口言葉になるかも! :p

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
Please keep it up Sensei, we need more lessons :D

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

asfour san,

Cracked said...

Omoshiroi desu ne! Your blog would have been so helpful when I was in school! :)