Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My old fellow

Hi everyone, let me introduce my best Japanese childhood friend! It's the MSX AX 170! (^_^)
i had this a long time ago..maybe when i was 6. And the great thing that i still have it and its still perfectly functional! (sure it is!:p is'nt it JAPANESE piece by piece?! ;p )
Once i opened the cover and looked the board inside. It's very interesting& i read that the processor in most models is a Zilog Z80 at 3.58MHz! Some newer models like MSX2+ use a MIPS RISC 16 bits at 14.38MHz ^_^! Mine was labeled with "Toshiba" and it is a Z80 too. Pictures:

Note : The MSX is a Japanese-Kuwaity (Japanese by hardware^^)company that focuses on arabic machines.
Hope u liked it!

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