Saturday, October 14, 2006

My obsession-part2-Language

WARNING: you might get bored!this post is about my story with the japanese language..its a long one!! =)

I started my journey with the Japanese language sometime between 8th and 9th grade when i first found the old Japanese language books that belonged to dad.
Long time ago,dad worked as an Engineer in Toshiba in the UAE,and seems he got involved in a Japanese class for beginners! But i think he didnt think to advance more in the language....any way our topic is ME & not him!

I kept the books for myself and took a look inside from time to time..before i knew it, i found myself addicted to the language and started to spend hours learning the characters..this interest developed to include culture, music, j-friends online,...I always felt happy to recognize Japanese charaters when they appear in Anime (Animation..most animation that you see on TV is Japanese).

As a 10th-12th grader, i always talked about japanese, filled the board with japanese characters,
used to hear the word "CRAZY" alot and taught some close friends a word or two!
when there were multiple amani's in the class i was refered to as amani-japanese or takashi!lol
As a 10th grader, i knew that i wanted to study computer engineering, then i discovered that it would be cool to combine computers and Japan(so homogenous,ne!).So i setteled my life goal to be a computer engineer in Japan.
I'm still working for this..after i graduate from J.U.S.T.,im planning to apply for the schoolarships that the japanese embassy offers,,i hope i can make it!

When i compare the japanese i knew at that time with the japanese i know now,,i always discover that i went through a long way! The thing that i like most is that i can't stop this curiosity, my language is still developing until now..n i can say that i'm proud of this! (^_^)y

phew! that was tooo long! eventhough it was summarized,i can compose a book about my adventures with japanese!lol(おいおい!)=p
日本語大好き! =D
next time: a simple introduction to the language!
お楽しみに!( ^_')b


Anonymous said...

I LOVE these posts!
it's such a great thing to feel so passionate about something, you know what? you inspire me, i know that many people have their dreams but those who work hard at making them true are few, and you're definitely one of those,

and please do have some posts teaching japanese, maybe then i'll learn a few words, since it seems that all of the poonies have their 10-word japanese vocabulary but me, i'm jealous! hehehe!

ukyou said...

Amani san

Please keep on the effort! you will find that the Japanese language is so wide, you won't get bored. everyday you learn something new. Remeber the journey is more imprortant than the ending.


Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

thweet Rasha! thanx for always encouraging me! i wouldn't have continued my efforts without having a great friend like you! =)(n by the way this inspiration is bi-directional! =D)
sure thing! you'll learn your 10 japanese vocabulary very soon! ;)

Tymoor sensei,
it's a great honor to have you comment on my blog..and from JAPAN! \(^O^)/ ureshii!
And again, continuing this journey would have been much harder if i didnt know you & the JICA fellows! cause knowing there are other people who share the same dreams & interests is wonderful.
一生懸命頑張ります!( ^_')b

hiro said...

こんにちは。私のところに来てくれてありがとう。 とても面白い日記ですね。


Thanks for visiting my place.
Your blogs are very interesting, especially, I like the blog titled "Kawaii" and the pictures are so cute!

See you,

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

hiro san,


Anonymous said...

sweets i see ur blog become very popular...i read the comments and i think its wonderfull to have this vairety of people visiting ur blog i like it so much too! i am just proud to have a friend with interests like urs so the only thing i can tell is keep goin... luv you

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

Liliana chan!(^_^)
thnx so much for the comment! that was soooo nice! im happy!sniff sniff ='(
bibi im proud of having you as my friendest friend! ;) luv u too! =D

Anonymous said...

Is there a place to learn Japanese in Jordan?

Anonymous said...

very nice post indeed.

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

thx moey! =D
i got a chance 2 chat with samia chan finally! that was such a CRAZZZYY chat!!\(^O^)/

Tala said...

inspiring,,keep up the good work, hope it works as you planned :D