Tuesday, January 16, 2007

such a disgusting world!! >_<

what the hell is going on with this crazy world! i can't believe there's still a punishment for a human-being called "hanging".
i believe that no matter how cruel and #$%^& any one was, hanging -& killing in general- wont make any difference, it will just make more dead humans.. there are better ways of punishment for those who deserve so..im not a fan of those guys who were hanged sumwhere on this world (i'd rather say i hate them)..but as a human, i refuse such ways..any normal human should too!
i feel sick!! >_< i hate this world.. and i love mine! :p


Yukikaze said...

Kanji-chan, i don't know what are you reffering to but i think i figured it out..i'm not a fan of hanging either, the punishmen was too harsh and un-coming for some one with his position..he desirved better..however, other guys desirve a fate much wors than hanging..
thats all i have to say about this.
but what i want you to know thatthings doesn't have to be like this.sure there are people who desirve worst then this for their hanes crimes.you have to understand this..

ukyou said...

The news of today really shocked me.
I do also believe that all humans have the right to die in a decent manner. They may have denied that right to the people they killed, but what happened today was very disturbing.

Be that as it may, one has to stand back and see what will this contribute to the peace of the people. In my opinion nothing, if not on the opposite give way to more hate and distrust between people.

You could have had them rott in Jail for the rest of their lives, had them help find out the fate of many missing poeple over there, an find out the truth of what really happnened during their regime. but that is all gone now.
What is left is hate and bittreness.

but in the end the world is a good place with many good people
Don't lose hope and remeber
"Only bad news get to be on the news"

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

ukyou sensei & yukikaze san,
thanks for your comments. Sure, that was my point. Ofcourse those who caused greif and losses to others must be hardly punished, but not in a way against humanity. The way ukyou sensei said it: if they left them rott in prison, that would have been much better for them 2 realize wut pain they caused others, and better in the way that it would have saved the world alot of bitter and hatred!

and yea i know & im sure our world is full of good people. but unfortunately there are others who spoil such beauty of his world.

Anonymous said...

I’d like to stress that a judgment. Or in affect punishment for such an individual is not everyone’s choice or responsibility. A group of people that have the right to make that sort of decision should take the matter in hand. Explicitly the act it’s self might not be of particular standard.

A number of parties exist with different perspectives on the situation, different points of view. All of whom have the right to express there own views. But with regard to rights, some parties should allow the parties with proper authority their rights in the matter at hand.

Not complying is trespassing on rights and freedoms of other individuals.

Abed. Hamdan said...

الله يرحم صدام حسين

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