He has a lot of world-wide recognized works
Starting with the fresh news :
I had my last lecture ever at JUST this Tuesday.
Yesterday (Wednesday 9th of January) was the last official day for lectures/lessons and it was the day for graduation seminars . Some of my friends had seminars yesterday, so we -the senpai s who already did their seminars last semester - attended for support! Actually it reminded me of our seminar day in MAY 2007.
So now the final exams period has started..and this time they will be my last final exams as a JUST student. I only have two; on the 16th and 17th of this month.
Computer Engineering Class of 2003 poster and the graduation cards
(These card are placed for graduating students each year so friends/professors/teachers can write their wishes of luck and success for students )

I never thought the day when i will have my own card will come!
(These card are placed for graduating students each year so friends/professors/teachers can write their wishes of luck and success for students )

I never thought the day when i will have my own card will come!
Now everyone has time to go out and have fun after seminars are over! ^_^
Yesterday in ViaVia cafe - Irbid mall
Yesterday in ViaVia cafe - Irbid mall
Congratulations for finishing the Graduation Projects everyone!
There will be another big go-out party after the finals! \(^o^)/
There will be another big go-out party after the finals! \(^o^)/
And now, for the older news :
I am very thankful for Y. san, T. sensei and O. sensei for attending our J.U.S.T. Japanese language class last Thursday, 3rd of January.
That was my last nihongo lecture. I am glad that students has learned alot.
Actually I didn't think that we will go that far in nihongo when i first though to open the class.
I am very thankful for Y. san, T. sensei and O. sensei for attending our J.U.S.T. Japanese language class last Thursday, 3rd of January.
That was my last nihongo lecture. I am glad that students has learned alot.
Actually I didn't think that we will go that far in nihongo when i first though to open the class.
A view of the class with our guests
Thanks Dr. Abu 3ein for attending too :)
Thanks Dr. Abu 3ein for attending too :)
gakusei VS sensei !
Center workshop announcements in the background and our class announcement is there
Center workshop announcements in the background and our class announcement is there
Pictures with students who participated in the skits
Done by our great MANGAKA Ru2a san.
So it's over! Actually this semester was very fast, I wasn't particularly busy at any time other than exam times.
This was a VERY special semester-especially the last part of it.
Now some people can say that they studied nihongo in IRBID during a whole semester! (^o^)y
This was a VERY special semester-especially the last part of it.
Now some people can say that they studied nihongo in IRBID during a whole semester! (^o^)y
konnichi wa amani sensei..
i just wanna tell that it's really great that i met you ....and arigatou 4 everything u do 4 us ..
and 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 mbtuk 3alt5roog we 3o2bal el master wel doctora from japan :D
ahmed akour desu.
by the way, my brother graduated from JUST architecture department and he told me that a Japanese architect designed the faculties buildings, but he also said that JUST faculties are considered a kind of 'architectural failure' because the repetitive symmetry made it hard to know where you are at any one time. I always got confused when I walked 'inside the outside squares' didn't know if it was C, D, E whatever...
Omedetou Gozaimasu Amani sensei!
The university looks really gloomy when it's empty...also the weather increases the Gloominess of the view.
I really can't wait to experience the "last lecture in just" feeling , actually I think in the last lecture I'll go crazy :P maybe I'll start jumping all around! or dance on the stage in front of the class " I hope u didn't do it" :P....
卒業おめでとう。。アマニ先生 ^^
Hontou ni omedetou gozaimasu
This is the moment you waited for .. the graduation .. when you say goodbye to friends you spent years with them .. hoping everyone will have happy life , and dreaming about the future .
Strange feel , ne ? to have the last lecture , the last exam and the last day in your university ,
for me I can't imagine that , I can't imagine I will have such a day .. one day .
And about the nihongo class : Arigatou gozaimasu for every thing you did for us .. you helped us too much .. you were very very great sensei .. Amani sensei ^_^
Note : Arigatou for using the edited picture , with my new cool eyes :P
Biraru ^^
Ahamado san,
^_^ thanks and keep up both ur nihongo and ur studies! People can be ICHI NEN SEI for once during life time,so make sure you treasure the time you have! =)
3.9 ne!
^^ well I have no idea about architecture principles, but it was always fun to feel lost in space-time! ww
Actually I can't remember if I ever thought of this symmetry as an annoying thing.(maybe during 1st year days only! :p )
、、私はまだ.. ^^;
YzN san,
Arigatou gozaimasu YzN san.
well that's what you say now, but when the time of last lecture comes,you will realize that u r sad.(for a little bit at least!)
BME san,
sank yu~! ^^
Well it's good i didn't use the 3rd "creative" one wwww
And i didn't do much! it wouldn't have worked out without everyone being hard workers. So i have 2 thank you all too
yea .. but you need to make a special post about that "creative" shashin :P
there's a 4th "half" creative one .. with the hana .. here :
And if I made any more "ebda3at" I will send them to you ^_^
4649 ^^
This is the link if it doesn't appear completely above ^^;
スピコン.. 困った。
Ammooon mouse
we haaad great moments and the way u put it really made me cry remembering alll that daayz waaa3
thnk u amaazing ammon for those memories u were sure a sweet part of , bb u made it different and i shared the unforgotable moments
god bless u and our friends
luv u ya a7la sensiii
I forgot to say ...
about JUST architecture ..
it were annoying at first then we get used to it ^^
Anyone will like its symmetry when he understands it .. it's really an omoshiroi symmetry ^^;
But even thought we get used to that we still make mistakes from time to time , like when you were searching for entrance 12 .. then I said hidari and you went ahead :P remember ?
i dont know wht to say ,
but there r too many special events will see in our life and amani you have experiance it in a very nice way .
thanks for ur insperations.
sorry for my englishgo
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