Proxy the foxy(TM)?
Who cries if you don't comment.
Kanji chan the k-chan?
Who cries too if you don't comment
Vote now ~
By the way, forget about the last sakura post...
Pictures are really nothing compared to my yesterday's extremely extraordinary special great nice shots with the extremely nice special blue sky(TM).
I'm even afraid of posting them.. I almost got a heart attack from the beauty overload..seriously.
If I get 3 requests, I will post!
At that time, see the pictures on your responsibility!
Proxy! proxy! proxy!
(yes, I know, this counts as one vote)
kanji-chan the k-chan!
tottemo kawaiiii >w<
Request for the extremely extraordinary special great nice shots with the extremely nice special blue sky(TM), at my own responsibility.^^
I second on K-chan ^_^
and I request for the extremely extraordinary special great nice shots with the extremely nice special blue sky(TM), at my own responsibility "aw 3ala mas2oleyyet sherket el ta2meen =P"
the 2nd one...k-chan...mecha-mecha kawaii...!!..honto desu...!!..
hurmmm...please post it..i cant wait to die in happiness becoz of extremely extraordinary special great nice shots with the extremely nice special blue sky(TM)...hahha..try me babe...
nice new banner ^^
lol.. it's now 3 requests.. waiting for the pics ^^
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