This time's festival is different. It is the May festival of the University of Tokyo, sometimes better translated as "May's Fair".

In front of the Yasuda auditorium.. A lot of preparations were being held in front of it.
A lot of booths for food and games were there..a lot of performances all over the campus. It felt that I was in an amusement park w!
But..I ignored all these and was looking for one thing..only one thing, the Taiko(Drums) performance!
But..I ignored all these and was looking for one thing..only one thing, the Taiko(Drums) performance!
I LOVE TAIKO performances! They really can build energy inside me.. and can easily reach and move my "acquired" Yamato spirit! w
The first performance I ever saw was in Jordan's most famous festival, "Jerash festival", when a Japanese group from Osaka made a great taiko performance..this was like 5 or 6 years ago, when I was still a high school student.
At that time, my motivation to go and see that performance was only because its a Japanese performance, but after it I became deeply interested in Taiko! .. And really wanted to "Hit" one!
But I was lucky to have a chance to drum on the taiko in summer last year... and I did it with passion! To get a better understanding of what I meant by "with passion", watch the video below! (JULY 2007 - Kyouto)
The festival spans 2 days. Today was the 2nd. I was planning to go yesterday, but I found the weather not encouraging..
The TAIKO group in front of the General Library, Toudai Hongou Campus
See the videos of today's performance, they are just GREAT!!!!
That was, again, GREAAATTTTT!
Of course the festival included a lot of musical and other performances..but this is the most nihon-ppoi thing I found! :) Once it was finished, I headed back home to finish the mountain of study that I have ^^;
永久 天日(AQ. Amani)Signs out!
Nice! Hope u are enjoying it there! btw am the guy who created the nihon-go lovers group at facebook! but I quit facebook longs times ago!
a couple of months ago I was having an interview when I meet a guy from J.U.S.T! he studied mechanical enegineering! Forgot his name, but he told me much about u!
Wish me luck cuz I may apply for the Japanese scholership this year if its dead line was extended!
The wadaiko performance was really great. It was so cool and powerful! :)
Amani chan ^^
すごい~~。。本当に面白い冒険だよ ^^
日本にたくさん祭がある ^^;
日本人のグループは『Jerash』に行った?なぜ訓えなかった? :p
やっと太鼓のビデオ。。あの日、そのビデオを取りたかった。。お願いした。。でもアマニちゃん『プライベート』と言って。。覚えた? :p
レポート。。お疲れ様でした ^^
Watashi san ^^
So it was you! I joined FaceBook about 10 days ago & participated in that group immediately .
guy from JUST ? mechanical enegineering ? nihongo fan ? mmm.. maybe you are talking about Muneer san ^^
ganbatte kudasai ^^
=) yea! it was me! I think he is Muneer san! I kinda remembered his name! thanx! good luck for u in teaching Japanese!
Nice blog. Thanks for the photos and clips.
waw sogoi Drums
& you are professional Drummer
what wrote in 3nd pic?
& is that relationship between Kyouto & tokyo (bcz they are same)
sugooi fistival
i think we will see a lot of fistivals posts in ur blog from now on
and i like it ^^
the festival looks interesting
i remembered the first video
when we saw it in JUST ( i miss the old days)
Ganbatte kudasai in ur study
and dont let the mountain of studies frustrate u ^^
Hey Amani!
I just love your posts, keep doing that, at least i know partially what's going on with you :)
yea me too as liliana say :p
Multiply your age by 73
then multiply the result by 13837
you'll have a good #:P
With my best wishes
we need to hear good news about your study
Gunbatte kudasai
Thank you everyone! ^__^
And thanks Qutaiba san for the greeting! =) Kyoto and Tokyo are of course different!
And it's stillプライベート:p
Imo chan,
^^ thanks! I will do my best!
Hiro san,
Liliana chan,
:D glad to see your comment! keep visiting from time to time;)
lol It's late but thanks for the group^^
Best of luck!
Wow I enjoyed them all
and more happy coz we can see the Drummers by ur Camera ;)
I even wanted to play on drums by my self^_^
Hope i can hear these sounds a live one day :)
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