Now that's great! Finally I can use the internet in my room. Notice the bandwidth I have below :D

This is approximately 60 times the bandwidth I used to have in my home back in Jordan.(I used a 128kbps line). And near 3 times the maximum bandwidth you can get there(2Mbps).
Not to forget to mention the nice price I pay per month, I pay 2730円 per month (= JD16) ^^
alf alf alf alf mabrooook \\(^^)//
ma sha' ALLAH ^^
very nice speed , hontou ni nihon wa "technology" no kuni desu ^^
Okay, okay, let's see car speeds in Japan exceed Jordan! :p
Amani san ^^
gomen gomen ... wasureta ^^;
technology = gijutsu
our university name ^^
Saemon san ^^
lol , I don't think that will happen :P
muri muri! :D .. but the motor cycles here might exceed our car speeds,,its crazy!
now I scanned your barcode and it said 4649! K-chan. and this blog's URL. It seems that you removed the previous Japanese sentence.
wow, can we just take part of your bandwidth to feed our state schools in Jordan, we are getting so slow.
amani, you deserve 7.4 Mbps not just 7.19 Mbps
anonymous san,
Yea I did
Dr. Eldos,
haha how much would they pay for it? :D
Thank you for your continuous support
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