Probably most of you will recognise the 子供の日::kodomo no hi::children's day(boy's festival), in which Japanese families pray for the health and success of their sons. They hang carp-like streamers and display samurai dolls.
Kodomo no hi is the 5th day of the 5th month( 5th of May). Notice that also girls day was the 3rd day of the 3rd month (3rd of march).
Families hang such wind streamers in Kodomo no hi, im sure most of you saw such streamers in anime-specially old ones that r targeted for kids-
The biggest one represents the father, then the mother is the one below, last one is the son.
The biggest one represents the father, then the mother is the one below, last one is the son.
-29April : Showa no hi : which is the birthday of emperor showa,the former emperor of Japan
-3rd of May:kenpo kinen bi :constitution day
-4th of May : Midori no hi : green day : a day to enjoy nature in Japan, like the one we used to have in Jordan (spring day), but there is no more spring day holiday :(
hope you enjoyed the info! ^^ see you next post & keep up the comments! \(^o^)/