Saturday, December 30, 2006
Incredible Japanese kid playing DDR
*TIP:DDR refers to Dance Dance Revolution series of music dance games initially released by KONAMI in 1998. You have to accurately follow the arrows that appear on screen by your feet dancing on a pad and get the highest score. ENJOY! =D
Monday, December 25, 2006
waaaa! i remember these crazy eggs! i used to have one when i was in 7th or 8th grade, it was a gift from a friend of dad who came from abroad..i ddnt know that this thing am having was causing a big mania in Japan at that time!
For those of you who are still clueless, Tamagochi is a BANDAI creation minihanheld virtual pet that you have to take care of. It starts from an egg, gets hungry, sick, goes to toilet, grows up....
If you mess handle it,n keep it sick or hungry or dirty, it will get angry n return to its planet.
I used to really have fun having this tamagochi thing..its soo real. I remember i once lost it, when i found it after monthes he had already left to his!
Well i hear there are now much advanced versions(generation 3 i think) that you can connect two tamagochis wireless to trade items or even to make ur tamagochi play with your friend's tamagochi! =D lool
Note: the name tamagochi came from : (TAMAGO + CHI) : TAMAGO=EGG , CHI i read it came from the word tomodaCHI = friend
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Cuteness attack!
(each character has its own personality and story. All available at sanrio official site)

kawaii cinnamoroll that appeared at the cinnamon cafe

kuririn the hamster

Another cute cinnamoroll

let me hear your loud : "KAAWAIII!! (-^_^-)
More 2 come soon!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Family guy!
u gotta see this clip! i just fell off my chair laughing bcuz of it!!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
The last week was such a killing week for me ..loads of work was supposed to be done, alot of hours were spent, no more than 4 hours maximum sleep/day,got sick several times.....and had the most sad teary experience ever because of my dear pet hamster sad death that i'll never ever be able to 4get. ='(
Not going through the sad details,let's just talk about the happy things: The results of the continuous work were just great. We all worked as a team and came up with a great simulator for the hypothetical CPE471 machine. I'm really happy we accomplished this. (Thanks to MSN messenger, we could all stay together until hours like 5:00am with continuous work)
Next step will be the ASSEMBLER. Hope we'll learn from the mis-management issues that rised during work for the simulator.
For the gradutaion project, we almost went through selecting the parts,soon ordering will start.
Left board: Flight board.
Right board: applications board:only used to perform the first 15 experiments in the manual(first 2 labs),just to become familiar with the kit.Not used now.
Enough for today. Hope i'll be able to update this blog more frequently.Actually i have loads of ideas,but i lack time.
see u in another post.
Friday, November 10, 2006
自分で作ったの漫画!My comic
Hi everyone! long time no post desu ne!
if u click the link below,,,you will find the manga i drew last year. Have fun and laugh alot! =D
NOTE: Right-click the link, and choose "save target as" or "save link as"!
This time i'd like to see loads of comments and suggestions! (^_^;)
Friday, November 03, 2006
For those of you who are sick with the so-boring smilies like--> ;) or --> :)
and for those of you who are new to the kao-moji thing, here's an interesting (ofcourse Japanese) thing you'd like to know!
"顔 : kao "means Face. "文字 : Moji" means character ==> face characters (japanese emoticons or smilies)
In Japan most people use these smilies on IMs and SMS's (personally i think they are more lively!so i use them too).With little imagination, u can see how cool these KAO-MOJI s are :
Smiling : (^_^)
Sleeping: (-.-)ZZzzzz
Searching: (._. )( ._.)
Vectory: (^_^)V (^_^)y
raising thumb/OK! : ( ^_')b
nervous/ he he he(notice the sweat drop!) : (^_^ ;)
smoking: (-.-)y- ~ ~
OUCH! /uneasiness: (>_<)
nya nya/cat: m(=^o^=)m
crying: (T_T)
Chu! : ( -^ 3(-^_^-)
Thats all. I only used standard keyboard characters here. If u use japanese characters..another smilies world will open up! (^_^) visit this page to see more! \(^O^)/:
see u in another post! jya ne~! (^o^)/
Sunday, October 29, 2006
四年の戦いが始まる!-The 4th year battle is starting..
Ramadan & Eid are over,tomorrow we'll be back to the university after 10 days vacation..but this time, back with the official class hours!(ya3ni 1hour/1:30 hour lectures and 3hours for labs!) XD
But the best thing is that i can drink my morning Nescafe before going to the classes! =D
I spent most of my vacation time working on our endless projects(..and welcoming endless guests too who came for Eid! )
I have this course that is called SP (system programming).By the end of the course we must come up with a simulator/assembler!The work is progressing really good,,iwas soo worried before, but now i can tell that it will be one of the best projects inshalla!
Working for this project is the most exciting thing i did since the micro lab! (^_^)y
I'll stop here for today!
Goodluck 4th year warriors! \(^0^)/
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
....& what about BioComputers?!(^_^)
this topic is very interesting, i heard about it for the first time from Dr. Eldos.
How does it feel to be able to communicate with an MC68000 with your brain directly? ^^ check the links below!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Quantum Computers
Ever imagined that computing speed will reach the speed of light someday in the future.
well, lets just remove the idea of representing data using 0's& 1's (or voltages in general) from our minds, since this would become a history one day.
Using light to transmit data isnt a new thing at all..what we are talking about here is STORING data using light! u might ask : how would we KEEP or STORE the light, shall we FREEZE it?
(loud laugh!)
But that's it! its true! see how to reduce the speed of light to a halting point!! :
Sunday, October 15, 2006
え?アマーニ先生?! lool ( ^_')b
This post is dedicated to Rasha-chan! =)
Any friend of me must be capable of using & understanding at least 5 of these 10 Japanese words successfully!=D :
1-Hai ! = Yes!
2-Arigatŏ! = Thank you!
3-Sumimasen! = Pardon me!,excuse me!
4-Hayaku! = Hurry up!
5-Kon’nichi wa! = good day!
6-Kawaii! = (fill in the blank..lool)
7-Wakatta! = I got it!,understood!
8-Atsui! = Its hot!
9-Samui! = Its cold!
10–chan & -kun
*NOTE: for the pronounciation, the vowels sounds are exactly like the vowels in French! (remember? A I U E O!)
(Kanji includes the meaning of the start to associate shapes with meanings)
For me, I guess that I can recognize approx 350-400 kanji. Studying kanji can be fun & challenging!
2-Hiragana : hiragana is the first system that school kids learn in
3- Katakana : katakana has the same sounds that Hiragana has, but its written with different set of characters. They are usually used to write names of foreign people & places.
All three systems are used in conjunction.
Examples: (the word EIKYUU=eternity in the three systems)
-KANJI : 永久 (EI - KYUU)
-Hiragana : えいきゅう(E - I – KYU - U)
-Katakana: エイキュウ(E – I - KYU - U)
note that the kanji is all about symbols! Each symbol can be read with multiple letters of hiragana.
The easiest is the 4th system, the ROMA-JI. In this system we write Japanese in English letters. This is used in books for foreign learners to make reading easy!
ROMA-JI example: writing the word: 山 (やま) as YAMA, Which means a mountain.
Hope that this was a useful post! Any Questions are welcome! (^_^)y
Saturday, October 14, 2006
My obsession-part2-Language
I started my journey with the Japanese language sometime between 8th and 9th grade when i first found the old Japanese language books that belonged to dad.
Long time ago,dad worked as an Engineer in Toshiba in the UAE,and seems he got involved in a Japanese class for beginners! But i think he didnt think to advance more in the language....any way our topic is ME & not him!
I kept the books for myself and took a look inside from time to time..before i knew it, i found myself addicted to the language and started to spend hours learning the characters..this interest developed to include culture, music, j-friends online,...I always felt happy to recognize Japanese charaters when they appear in Anime (Animation..most animation that you see on TV is Japanese).
As a 10th-12th grader, i always talked about japanese, filled the board with japanese characters,
used to hear the word "CRAZY" alot and taught some close friends a word or two!
when there were multiple amani's in the class i was refered to as amani-japanese or takashi!lol
As a 10th grader, i knew that i wanted to study computer engineering, then i discovered that it would be cool to combine computers and Japan(so homogenous,ne!).So i setteled my life goal to be a computer engineer in Japan.
I'm still working for this..after i graduate from J.U.S.T.,im planning to apply for the schoolarships that the japanese embassy offers,,i hope i can make it!
When i compare the japanese i knew at that time with the japanese i know now,,i always discover that i went through a long way! The thing that i like most is that i can't stop this curiosity, my language is still developing until now..n i can say that i'm proud of this! (^_^)y
phew! that was tooo long! eventhough it was summarized,i can compose a book about my adventures with japanese!lol(おいおい!)=p
日本語大好き! =D
next time: a simple introduction to the language!
お楽しみに!( ^_')b
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Microprocessor Interfacing LAB!
The FLT-68K board:
The application board have alot of things(DC motor, LEDs, Heat/movement/speed sensors & alot of things!!!!)
I think this lab is going to be of great help to our graduation project!
this semester is going to be a true practical engineering experience! i ask God to be with us!(-_-;)y ...(a)
Friday, October 06, 2006
My obsession! -part 1 : KAWAII
"Why?".. well this is what this post is all about, cuz im sick of hearing this question everytime from ppl knowing about this obsession..lool..i'll try 2 answer that question(^_^)
For me, i believe that Japan is my perfect world.I love the language, culture, pop songs, Anime (Anime:アニメ:japanese animation),Manga(manga: 漫画 :comics) & the KAWAIIness(cuteness) culture. For this post i'll focus on this cuteness culture and list some funny symptoms of japan-mania^^
Believe it or not!Cuteness is a part of the japanese culture..everything ..everything.. no matter how serious it is ,you'll find a cuteness element into it! u'll know wut i mean when u see the pictures below:
-a Kawaii Anime character.Notice the Big shiny eyes that add more kawaii-ness!^^ :
-A kawaii depiction of Japan Self Defense Forces on a road sign!:
-Nippon Airway plane with pokemon characters!:
-Cute merchandise is extremely popular in Japan. The two largest manufacturers of such merchandise are Sanrio(manufacturers of "Hello Kitty") and San-X. This character merchandise is a hit with Japanese children and adults alike!:
I know....u r overwhelmed with Cuteness! rnt u?^^
we are not done yet! read the funny symptoms below :
Ever heard of Japan-mania? well this is true..there are alot of Japan fans all over the world!
Common symptoms: ^^
-You wont forgive anyone who can't distinguish between japan & china!
-You use the word "KAWAII" instead of "cute" in addition to alot of words you learned because of the anime u watch
-You nod with your head when saying "thank you" or "sorry"
-Anime & Manga is part of your life
-For you,Chopsticks is a piece of cake
-You consider taking off your shoes when visiting friends.
-You might started to LOVE japanese you learn it to understand Anime/Manga
-You love the Japanese Language EVEN ur goal is reversed now : you watch anime to improve ur language!
-Ur MSN is full of japanese online friends contacts
-Ur family is sick of you talking about japan day and night.
-Ur family n close friends learned few japanese words bcuz of you using them in daily life
-U have some rare reactions to situations that only japanese ppl do
-U dream often about japan
-If you have a pet, its name must be a japanese pet name
-You think about going to Japan seriously..n you already have your own plan!
*NOTE: AKIHABARA (shortened AKIBA:アキバ) is a district in Tokyo(toukyou:東京).It's considered a mecca for those technology/Anime/cute gadgets fans! For sure i'd like to visit AKIBA when i go 2 japan! \(^O^)/
Enough for today! i still have a lot to say. For now, we are finished with "cuteness" time it might be about language,anime & J-pop. Look forward for it!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
little cute animals from being insulted by calling them "mice" or "rats"! lool(^_^)
Hamsters are Nocturnal (active at night) Rodents that are somewhere between a little Rabbit and a Mouse in size.
They have no tails(their tails are so short-maybe 0.5cm or so-).And i like their habit of
brooming and cleaning their soft fur each time they feel even one nanometer of dust on it!! =D
They are generally of 2 types : The teddybear hamster(known also as: syrian/golden)& the Dwarf hamsters (known also as Roborovski,russian,chinese.)
My hamster CHIBI (CHIBI-チビ means "Tiny" in Japanese)is of the first type. the second type is smaller and they look soo cute.
Teddy bear hamsters:
Dwarf (robo)hamsters: