Thursday, January 31, 2008

More snow surprises =D

Well it has been near a week since last snow fall..and now another package arrives from heaven!

Snow glitters under the shining sun

It kept snowing all night 30th of January until early morning today the 31st. Snow fall stopped near 8:00 am today..I immediately went out and took pictures of wonderful views.

Actually the weather was rather stormy last night and it didn't take long for snow to accumulate.
I will leave the pictures to tell the rest.

Trees totally covered with snow

Cool snow man

I had a snow battle this time too..Actually snow never fails in showing the childish sides of any person =p


hiro said...

また雪! きれいな景色! I like seeing snow falling out of the window. :p でも寒いのは苦手!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It is so wonderful view!
Is it usual to snow in Jordan?
Now it is snowing so heavily that we think this winter is unusually cold.

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

hiro san,
lol I hate cold weather too, but I can't just sit down in my place when outside is all covered with snow :D

Mika san,
It snows every year in most cities in Jordan, but in my city it doesn't always accumulate on the ground.
Some times it does but most times doesn't.
This time we had 2 big snow falls in a week interval.^^

Yukikaze said...

haaaaaaaaaaaay kanji-chan, kefk? zamaaaaaaaaaaaaaan 3annek? haik ma btes2lli?

momiji said...
